Dynamic environment of intelligent processes with solutions and results at your fingertips!

Natively formulated for the SAP HANA platform, SAP S/4HANA is an entirely new generation of SAP Business Suite, characterized by simplifications, dramatically increased efficiency, and compelling features such as planning and simulation options on various financial transactions.

SAP S/4HANA signals a move away from the transactional system, which simply records data, to giving users active, real-time decision support based on data from internal and external sources.

We are currently developing a SAP S/4HANA business value calculator, which will drill down to quantify benefits at the level of individual solutions. In SAP Business Suite on SAP HANA, customers now have the option to calculate business justifications enabled by TCO optimizations and savings. These calculations are equally valid for SAP S/4HANA. But the simplifications created by SAP S/4HANA bring other benefits as well – which the business value calculator takes into account – for example, use of new user interfaces, reduced data volume, greater flexibility and increased productivity. Finance departments, for example, will profit from more efficient shared services and faster financial closes.

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